TDZ Blog
Guest Blog Posts
In addition to our own posts by title below, check out the following guest posts:
Focusing on Successes and Strengths vs. Failures and Weaknesses
The Best Place to Spend Your Marketing Time & Money
Customer Expectations: Mind the Gap
Key Topics
Most solopreneurs and self-employed service providers want to delegate the stuff that doesn’t make sense for us to do. The trouble is, most of that stuff isn’t “knowable” automagically. It’s not like we can flip a switch so that someone else knows how to execute at least 80% as well as we would. (But perhaps somewhere […]
Sleep is an important activity that we might be underestimating in terms of impact on productivity. That’s why it is the Day 15 challenge of #30DaysofQ2. (Whoaaa, we’re halfway there!) We don’t always think of sleep as important as we should, especially if we are getting 6 hours of it. In fact, subjects getting 6 […]
Too often we don’t ask for what we need. Especially women. That’s why I created Authentic Women’s Exchange–an invitation-only “netplaying” (vs. netWORKING) group that provides the space for women to ask. We met today, as always, on the 13th of the month. So today is not so much a challenge as it is an affirmation. […]
With a title like “Focusing on Your Purpose,” you might expect a very long post. But it’s Saturday night and another Q2 activity awaits–watching a movie with my husband. So, I’ll keep it simple and address the idea in parts. I came into the awareness this week that I have been ignoring my purpose. Well, […]
Increasing skills through professional development and training–in any format–is an important but not urgent activity. I remember from my corporate days how we would plan for it at our annual review. But actually scheduling it was different. There never seemed to be a good time to take “off,” to be away from the office. There […]
Processes are in place whether you design them or not. When you’re a smaller small–a solopreneur, solo service provider, or microbusiness–making time for process development can seem a luxury. A nice to have. And even sometimes “a waste of time” compared to the pressing needs (read: Quadrant 1) of sales efforts. This is as much […]
I manage projects, for my own clients and select agencies. Project management just comes with the job when you’re an in-house marketer, which is what I was before starting my own gig. Aside from taking an e-learning course once, attending a PMI meeting as a guest, hanging out with Phoenix Digital PMs, and listening to […]
Financial planning. Budgeting. Forecasting. The most organized, business savvy folks wouldn’t DREAM of not planning when it comes to money. And yet the solopreneurs I speak to sometimes are not planning for an expense. What I mean by this is they have not thought about what they would like to spend on a given service. […]
Connecting people is a Quadrant 2 activity I try to do every week. I admit, I have tasks on my list to introduce people that are over a year old. (Gasp!) It’s because these tasks are not urgent. They may or may not make a difference in people’s lives, I reason. So these “to dos” […]
Work is my Achilles’ heel. It is what I will do and default to doing when left to my own devices. Meaning, any “free” time I have, I feel a giant magnet pulling me to WORK. I’m not saying it’s all Quadrant 2 work. I’m just hyper-aware that one of my greatest weaknesses is CHOOSING […]