Connecting People: Day 3 of #30DaysofQ2

Connecting people is a Quadrant 2 activity I try to do every week. I admit, I have tasks on my list to introduce people that are over a year old. (Gasp!) It’s because these tasks are not urgent. They may or may not make a difference in people’s lives, I reason. So these “to dos” are easy to put off.

Still, I had thought for some reason two people I know should connect so I will follow through, eventually. I just trust that whenever it happens, the timing is right.  That said, Day 3 of the 30 Days of Quadrant 2 Challenge is dedicating to connecting people.

Connecting people is important. And a key component in authentic networking. It CAN make a difference in people’s lives. I suppose this should be motivation enough. With all the distractions and Quadrant 1 activities, making those connections can fall by the wayside. As well as doing the follow ups when WE are introduced to someone. (But that’s a challenge for another day.)

Making these introductions should be easy; I even have a “canned” email for it which I’ll share below.  So, it’s time to light a fire and help others with their relationship-building efforts. Are you with me?

Connecting people is important. And a key component in authentic networking. Share on X

My Connecting People Email “Template”

Hi Name, Hi Name,

Please pardon the brevity but I wanted to introduce you two because (reason).

Name1, here is a little about the other person.

Name2, here is a little about the other person.

I hope you can connect as you see fit. (Insert any calendar restrictions/details/recommendations.)
