I’m putting a stake in the ground: Nothing is created alone. This is what came from my Root Session with the fabulous team at Root + River.

I’ll write more here later. The important thing is to know that it does take other people to create. We need each other. Despite our ideas about rugged individualism, nothing is created alone. And in my mind, the best stuff is created together.
Someone once told me that ideas choose people and if one chooses you but you don’t claim and act on it, that idea is released back into the Universe to find someone else. Call me superstitious. I don’t know if the same is true for beliefs and manifestos. I’m not taking any chances. I’m hitting “Publish” on a too short, too thin post. So be it.
Until I can carve out time to write more in-depth on the subject, I’m posting items related to my newfound love-cry (because it’s a call to arms, although hugging ones) with #nothingiscreatedalone.
(Update: This little movement is getting some traction and resonating . . . Check out Kristi Hall’s article in Green Living magazine that credits me!)