TDZ Blog
Guest Blog Posts
In addition to our own posts by title below, check out the following guest posts:
Focusing on Successes and Strengths vs. Failures and Weaknesses
The Best Place to Spend Your Marketing Time & Money
Customer Expectations: Mind the Gap
Key Topics
In this post, we address whether you–as a small business owner–need technology for content marketing. Technology here refers to marketing automation software or a platform. You may or may not need a big technology investment to support your content efforts. [box] This is one of our Business Breakdown posts. We break down a marketing headline, […]
Collaboration means a lot of different things these days: from B2B companies working with suppliers and customers to entrepreneurs using technology to be productive to small businesses joining forces. It can also mean Strategic Partnerships, co-marketing, and simply an extra brain to jump-start creative thinking. Marketing Collaboration-on-Call™ No matter how you are defining collaboration, we offer a flexible solution to […]
Hint: Make culture directly funded by each sale There’s a lot I could say about Buffer‘s (aka Bufferapp’s) pricing transparency and how they have budgeted for culture, as well as the impact that has on me as a prospective customer. But, a picture is worth a thousand words, so I’ll just let this sink in: […]
Business owners, internal marketing stakeholders, and entrepreneurs might benefit from hiring a strategic marketing consultant, but often aren’t aware of the circumstances that would prompt such a decision. Also, there is a lack of understanding about the problems a marketing strategist and consultant can solve, resulting in leaders asking “Why hire a strategic marketing consultant?” […]
Who Needs Business Process and Operational Efficiency? Entrepreneurs, microbusinesses, and small businesses (primarily) invest in people and task-based projects to perform their essential functions, usually creating departments or teams to achieve certain objectives. When departments or personnel have different needs and constraints, the organization’s efficiency may suffer. We consult with C-suite, VP-level management, Boards and […]
for Internet Marketing Firms, Creative Agencies, Boutiques, Web Dev Cos, Independent Consultants, & Freelancers (whew!) Let’s be honest: For all of our creating differences, small marketing & PR agencies usually do the same (or complementary) things. So choosing collaboration over competition should be a no-brainer, right? We can’t be bothered with egos when there’s important […]
In my earlier post Firing Customers: Why and How, I referenced Collapse of Distinction: Stand Out and Move Up While Your Competition Fails. This is a book by Scott McKain and although I haven’t read it yet, he has published an informative article on MarketingProfs.com: Why You Should Fire (Some of) Your Customers. Herein, he recommends who to […]
(This is a continuation from Part 1. Originally published 12/19/13. ) I only attended the Saas/e-commerce breakouts since tech marketing is more my thing. Here are my rough and random notes, with commentary. Brad Jannenga of WebPT and Bob La Loggia of Appointment-Plus had an amusing session addressing life as an entrepreneur. No slide deck, […]
“Start with a goal.” It sounds so simple. And it’s a message that’s so pervasive. Yet putting goal-setting into action can range from being an exercise that begins with positive momentum but becomes difficult to maintain to virtually non-existent due to day-to-day demands. Nevermind full-on strategic planning, which can be too daunting, misguided, or cumbersome […]
Nonprofits need segmentation strategies. One of the biggest problems I see as a donor is when I receive mailings and other costly marketing materials (such as gala invites) when I have only donated a small amount to a particular charity. Nonprofit organizations need to understand their markets (i.e., target donor personae) and design communications strategies […]