Business Process and Operational Efficiency

Who Needs Business Process and Operational Efficiency?

Entrepreneurs, microbusinesses, and small businesses (primarily) invest in people and task-based projects to perform their essential functions, usually creating departments or teams to achieve certain objectives. When departments or personnel have different needs and constraints, the organization’s efficiency may suffer. We consult with C-suite, VP-level management, Boards and Committees to develop overarching processes that consider all stakeholders and realign the company focus on the customer.

Lack of business rules and standard processes in marketing, customer service, and sales cost small businesses and small business leaders time, money, customers, and personal satisfaction. Typical symptoms business owners and managers experience personally include:

  • Feeling there are not enough hours in the day
  • The sense that s/he must do everything themselves
  • Sacrificing valuable personal time and their freedom
  • The expectation that they should be able to handle this

Symptoms of lack of business processes also appear as losses of:

  • Time & time-to-market (i.e., competitiveness)
  • Quality
  • Customers
  • Employees
  • Productivity
  • Money

Seeking outside perspective and professional process development allows company leadership to better manage business and allow others to manage non-essential functions. In the (apparent) absence of (business) rules, there are still (business) rules (that are running your business in YOUR stead)! Process development can fix that.

Process Improvement: Why and How

Marketing efficiency in an organization can be subject to variances over time due to staffing and leadership changes, multiple contractors, technology transitions, and acquisitions/mergers. In critical marketing and sales support areas, refining and improving the governing processes can restore order, allow for cost savings, and ensure future continuity.

As an entrepreneur or a small business, process improvement typically consists of a “process audit,”whereby current systems and procedures can be mapped out and prioritized based on impact to the company. Equipped with this information, as a manager or business owner, you’ll be able to clearly see what can be delegated, automated, outsourced, postponed, skipped, or even forgotten—freeing up your time to do what only you can and making the organization more productive.

To discuss further or schedule your process audit, set up a call or email us with questions. Or, to learn more about why process is important, view our presentation.