TDZ Blog
Guest Blog Posts
In addition to our own posts by title below, check out the following guest posts:
Focusing on Successes and Strengths vs. Failures and Weaknesses
The Best Place to Spend Your Marketing Time & Money
Customer Expectations: Mind the Gap
Key Topics
It sounds painfully obvious. And maybe you already have canned email responses–especially if you are using automation. But looking at your processes and continuous communications is a good use of time as a solo service provider. It’s my Quadrant 2 activity of the day. Today is Day 1 of my 30-day Quadrant 2 Challenge to […]
It’s a controversial question. I imagine in some cases, women in particular reading this may be protesting at the very suggestion. Maybe a better question is “What’s the opposite of authentic?” Is it artifice? Superficiality? Maybe. And if that’s the case, is focusing on image a small part of that? I admit: I am skeptical […]
As part of my authenticity journey, I’m grateful to have made so many real connections. And since authenticity is the overarching theme of our relationships, it’s no surprise that some people are just naturally open, vulnerable, self-aware, and nonjudgmental with me. We fall right in sync. When I find these folks, they are my A-Listers. The […]
When providing logos and images for print projects, there are a few things to keep in mind. Not all logos are created equally. We are looking for Vector files or HIGH-RES images only. Here’s a brief rundown so we can efficiently move forward with design for you, and meet your deadline. Logos and Images for […]
While focused on employees, which solo service providers like me and my clients don’t have, the message in this video (below) is still important. Being vulnerable (required for love and for authenticity–and not a coincidence, I think) is key to a stable business. To meaningful, trusting partnerships. To customer loyalty. To our own satisfaction through real, […]
I woke up one morning with an awful memory of the most negative, hard to please, fast-paced-without-logic-or-specialized-marketing-knowledge-or-metrics boss I’ve ever had. My pervasive thought was: “You, sir, are the antithesis of a leader.” (Essentially, someone who does not understand leadership vs. management–the differences between them and why it matters.) The internal dialogue continued. “Although you […]
If you know me, you know that showing up authentically is something I’m passionate about. It’s at the heart of the Certified Authentic Networker program I founded. And it can be invaluable to you in making deeper connections, whatever your profession may be. Showing up authentically is owning your uniqueness and allowing yourself to fully […]
As an introvert and someone who values establishing real connections with people, I find most professional networking events creepy. Some people show up wearing masks. Because we can’t tell just by looking who’s showing up authentically and who’s posturing, we end up having conversations with energy vampires. This, of course, leaves me feeling depleted–and like […]
Ever wondered why we love Thanksgiving so much? It has to be the leftovers. Let’s face it, on any other day, a turkey sandwich is nothing to get excited about. But the day after Thanksgiving, it’s sublime.Like Thanksgiving turkey, content is more delicious when served in small portions the next day. Traditionally when creating content, […]
Here is how the term microbusiness–and related terms–are being defined. Number of Employees in a Microbusiness According to the Sam’s Club/Gallup Microbusiness Tracker, a microbusiness is defined as “a business with five or fewer workers.” AEO defines it the same way (see image “Bigger than You Think“) but adds “including the owner.” Wikipedia, however, identifies a micro-enterprise as […]