What Does It Mean: Showing Up Authentically?

If you know me, you know that showing up authentically is something I’m passionate about. It’s at the heart of the Certified Authentic Networker program I founded. And it can be invaluable to you in making deeper connections, whatever your profession may be.

Showing up authentically is owning your uniqueness and allowing yourself to fully be yourself, regardless of environment. As Wall Street executive, motivational speaker, author and gospel singer, Carla Harris says, it’s about bringing all of your selves to the table.

It’s not hiding one skill or interest for the sake of another. And I believe that bringing a personal aspect to business and vice-versa allows for more collaboration, more referrals, and more happiness.

Sharing your talents and experiences freely can be difficult, especially when systems and protocols set us up to be more like automatons!  But is operating within those constraints really productive, healthy, fun?

Even some who might tentatively raise their hands as wanting to show up authentically might still be saying, “but there’s too much at stake to be my whole self.”  Showing up authentically is definitely easier when the folks you’re interacting with are doing it, too. That’s the whole point of building a community of Certified Authentic Networkers–everyone in the room is invested in showing and knowing all the whole selves.

The take away is this: You’ll never know which of your “selves” will appeal most to the group or person you’re meeting with–so why not bring them all? Sharing your authentic self will create more opportunities for you to truly connect with others. Authentic networking can create stronger relationships with others–and yourself.  When you bring all of your selves to network, work, or play, it enriches everyone’s experience and ability to help. Plus, have you noticed how much more productive a group can be when they see each person as a well-rounded whole person?

If you are in the Phoenix metro area and are:

  • Hungry to learn about showing up authentically with ease
  • Already showing up authentically but wanting to increase your chances of networking with those who are too
  • Missing out on the type of deep connections and trust that a commitment to authenticity can bring
  • Actively networking and more interested in “netplaying”

. . . I invite you to join me for the next Certified Authentic Networking program. Contact me for the next date!