
Who’s on Your A-List? A-Listers Are Your Big Supporters

As part of my authenticity journey, I’m grateful to have made so many real connections.  And since authenticity is the overarching theme of our relationships, it’s no surprise that some people are just naturally open, vulnerable, self-aware, and nonjudgmental with me.  We fall right in sync. When I find these folks, they are my A-Listers. The

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Love and Business

While focused on employees, which solo service providers like me and my clients don’t have, the message in this video (below) is still important. Being vulnerable (required for love and for authenticity–and not a coincidence, I think) is key to a stable business. To meaningful, trusting partnerships. To customer loyalty. To our own satisfaction through real,

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Just in Time for Halloween: Making Networking Less Creepy

As an introvert and someone who values establishing real connections with people, I find most professional networking events creepy. Some people show up wearing masks. Because we can’t tell just by looking who’s showing up authentically and who’s posturing, we end up having conversations with energy vampires. This, of course, leaves me feeling depleted–and like

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Personality in Business

I love Kelleye Crane’s interview “Salty and Successful” with Jeremy Pepper, long-time blogger, PR expert, and current director of communications and social media for Palisade Systems. Crane asks important questions that, for me, point to concerns about personality and identity in business. Namely, “do you attract clients and employers who accept and embrace the real you?” Pepper says,

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