Creative Partnering

Creative Partnering is our answer to coaching and consulting.

A Quadrant 2 Activity for Email Productivity: Canned Email Responses

It sounds painfully obvious. And maybe you already have canned email responses–especially if you are using automation. But looking at your processes and continuous communications is a good use of time as a solo service provider. It’s my Quadrant 2 activity of the day. Today is Day 1 of my 30-day Quadrant 2 Challenge to

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Love and Business

While focused on employees, which solo service providers like me and my clients don’t have, the message in this video (below) is still important. Being vulnerable (required for love and for authenticity–and not a coincidence, I think) is key to a stable business. To meaningful, trusting partnerships. To customer loyalty. To our own satisfaction through real,

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Leadership vs. Management: Why It Matters to Marketing

I woke up one morning with an awful memory of the most negative, hard to please, fast-paced-without-logic-or-specialized-marketing-knowledge-or-metrics boss I’ve ever had. My pervasive thought was: “You, sir, are the antithesis of a leader.” (Essentially, someone who does not understand leadership vs. management–the differences between them and why it matters.) The internal dialogue continued. “Although you

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