As part of my authenticity journey, I’m grateful to have made so many real connections. And since authenticity is the overarching theme of our relationships, it’s no surprise that some people are just naturally open, vulnerable, self-aware, and nonjudgmental with me. We fall right in sync. When I find these folks, they are my A-Listers. The creme de la creme of authentic connections. I know that we can talk about anything, in confidence. We can show up without makeup and without judgement. And that we truly, deeply want to help one another. It’s no surprise that usually these folks are passionate, high-achieving, and thoughtful. These type of people make up your A-List.
I hope you have an A-List, too. Not just friends but professional contacts with whom you can show up as your whole self–and allow them to as well. People who can support you–who you value and support too. Because “Nothing is created alone.”