About TDZ

The Big Picture: Creative Partners for Entrepreneurial-minded Leaders
There’s no denying we live in a busy world, especially as business leaders (including channel professionals) or entrepreneurs. And if you’re the type who naturally innovates and disrupts, then you’ve probably created more ideas for yourself than you can execute! And you just can't seem to get things done fast enough.
The challenges around bringing ideas to life are many--from the initial step of getting the ideas out of your head, to the objective and analytical review and prioritization, to the foresight and development of the roadmap and processes. Don't forget about procrastination, second-guessing, and knowledge gaps. Plus, the biggest barrier of all: TIME.
Operating in isolation--as so many do and think they must--doesn’t help. It's unrealistic to expect we can do it ALL ourselves.
Consider that all great innovators have had a creative partner; someone who knows the soul of their work and can make their ideas real. Someone who has an uncommon level of investment in their success. And is grounded in reality.
We’re expanding on this concept, serving as “creative partners” for entrepreneurial-minded leaders--whether corporate intrapreneurs, Presidents/CEOs leading their own organizations, or professionals in transition--who are focused on bringing the best ideas to life. We are a team of highly collaborative ideators and executors with a diverse set of skills and a ton of passion for being of service.
So what do we do EXACTLY? We're in the speed-to-execution business. We support leaders in going farther, faster with their ideas. And that support looks different for everyone--because our clients are unique, as are their businesses, strengths, and challenges.
Ultimately, we capture and synthesize ideas to allow you to breakthrough to action. We provide the space for collaboration in which specialized skills and knowledge and ideas and analytical thinking are at play. And in the cases where marketing content is the end goal, we deliver that to you. Oh, and we have a ton of fun doing it!
If you’re a down-to-earth entrepreneurial-minded leader, you know you don't have it all figured out. The good news is, no one does, and nothing is created alone. That’s why we invite you to consider what a creative partner could do for you. Where is your innovation becoming stymied? Or what big ideas do you want to bring to life?
The Small Picture: Our Specific Work
TDZ Creative Partners started in 2007 as a B2B marketing consulting company providing marketing strategy and execution of results-driven content to small businesses. This tradition carries on today in our work with innovative channel marketers as we ensure the long-term success of B2B channel programs by providing content marketing services and partner portal management. Our channel sales and marketing clients are intrapreneurs, and we help them create content faster than they could alone or with existing resources. For our individual clients in other industries, we assist them in executing on their ideas or goals and pushing through problems faster than they can alone--providing clarity, focus, and direction around their business or careers as well as ensure they are executing on the "right" activities.